You are here: Stock Items > General Tab > Selling Prices

Selling Prices

There are 12 selling price levels per stock item or alternatively, you can tick the ‘Force a Selling Price entry’ option, which when activated will open a numerical keypad on the POS Screen for the staff to enter the required price. If this option is ticked, the selling price levels will be greyed out.


If you are unsure what the difference is between Mark-up and Margin, you can read about it in our article here:


Profit Margin is calculated using one of the following formulas:




The profit as a percentage is displayed in the Profit % fields and the profit as a dollar amount is displayed in the Profit $ fields.

The values calculated and shown in both the profit percentage and profit $ fields will take into account the tax settings that have been enabled for the Stock Item as well as the Cost Price of the Stock Item.

In addition, it is possible to enter the required Profit Percent or Profit $ that you want to achieve, and the Sell Price will be automatically calculated and filled (provided that you have entered a Cost Price for the Stock Item).